Sunday, May 31, 2009

The Cake

We officially celebrated Kaya's birthday this afternoon with a little family celebration. She was a doll- in a slightly spoiled-princess of the world-kind of way! Since meeting Cinderella in Disney World over spring break, Kaya has become an official princess fan. (If you click on the picture you can see the picture of her with Cinderella in the castle) I don't remember the other children being able to communicate a preference in the party planning at this age. She on the other hand let me know exactly what she wanted!
This afternoon I took her to pick up her cake and she was CRAZY about it! I opened the box so that she could get a good look at the cake, and she promptly yelled "ella" and plucked the Cinderella statue right off the cake. I wrestled it back and managed to repair the cake despite her protests. The bakery employee looked at me like I had two heads and I could tell he was expecting me to ask him to make the cake whole again. Once he realized I wasn't going to demand he be responsible for the damages, he politely asked "Is she turning two?". I smiled sweetly back. Meanwhile Kaya was protesting loudly against any of her sibling's fingers coming close to the basket. You see once said cake was deposited into the cart, nobody was allowed to even hover close to the basket. Everyone doing their Sunday afternoon shopping was well aware that "MY CAKE" was in the basket.

Since we had two hours till the party began, Kaya kept a close eye on that cake and quickly reminded anybody within feet that it was hers...for her pauuuttyyy. She was slightly proud! There were moments when we began to wonder if we should make alternate dessert plans for the rest of us- but we were all granted a piece.....or two!