Monday, July 6, 2009

4th of July!

Being big fans of picnics and fire works, the 4th of July is one of my favorite holidays! Our 4th tradition includes a picnic at the aquarium. It is the best spot in town to view the fireworks and usually a blast. It's a day we spend with our closest friends and something we look forward to. This year Lauren and Steve joined us. (Its still amazes me that a year ago we hardly knew them and yet we can't imagine our life without them now. )

This year started out like all others. Danielle and I made monster cookies early in the morning and had planned a simple menu of rolls and wings.

We spent the day laying around anticipating the fun. We have worked out a fabulous system that involves the men guarding the spot while the women take the children to the playground. After the kids have played to their hearts content, the women enjoy the well staked out spot and he daddy s take the kids upstairs to the aquarium. It's this really relaxed time of food, and friends as close as family, and anticipation....

So we are line to get in and completley ready. Matching t-shirts are on, coolers being pulled behind us, husbands loaded down with lawn chairs and we are waiting for the moment that we can pick our spot. It is in that moment that I become deathly ill. We stil don't know if it was the heat, my blood sugar, food poisoning, or what...but I quickly bowed out of the festivities!

Sadly I missed the picnic but the kids had a great time and I am entirely greateful for the way my friends cared for my kiddos and husband. Six extra kids is not a small favor! And while J is a great daddy, crowds with a missing wife is not a favorite and I am not sure that he was in the best mood.

I have to say that God has taught me so much about friendship this year and blessed me beyond I could have imagined.