About six weeks ago, my best-est friend Lauren talked me into taking this dance/exercise class. I should back up here and say that for the record, I refused to go the first time. And yes I made her go alone... she is the brave and adventurous one in this relationship. Well she loved it... and I didn't want to be left out!
So I put on my tennis shoes that I own for the sole purpose of visiting the happiest place on earth, and nervously got in her van and committed to an hour of Zumba. Now I had watched a u-tube video of Zumba and was convinced that I was going to die from either embarrassment at my lack of coordination or cardiac arrest. As it turns out, it's not possible to die from embarrassment and I wasn't in as bad a shape as I thought. I have survived 6 weeks of Zumba and I love it. We have been going twice a week nearly every week and just did a 3 hour Super Zumba class on Saturday.
The girls went to Zumba with me this weekend and they seemed to enjoy it. I have been talking with them about how sometimes it is hard to try new things...and its even harder to try new things when you know you aren't particularly good at them.
And while I am still not good at Zumba.... I am enjoying it. God is teaching me that there are many things we need to do for the fruit they produce and not for the pleasure of doing them. Zumba has great fruit- my hip hasn't hurt in weeks, I am loosing weight, controlling my blood sugar, making friends outside my Christian bubble, and setting a good example for my girls.
Big Boo Cast: Episode 380
1 year ago
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