Monday, December 14, 2009

The Snuggie Boycott

I am philosophically opposed to Snuggies.

How is that different then just not liking them? It's complicated. I drive my husband crazy because I lose the car in grocery store parking lot, can't ever find my shoes, have no idea where my keys have been for the last month, and honestly can not remember until someone is crying for food that I am the one that is supposed to make dinner every night. It's because I am busy. I have lots to think about- like how snuggies are inherently evil. So really there is no way to describe the complicated process by which I came to dislike snuggies, other then philosophical.

But here are my main reasons:

1. it's uncreative really. it's a blanket with sleeves. a robe you wear backwards. most of us already own these objects. do you really need another cheaply-made version?

2. it's ugly they come in all of two colors and are made from nappy material

3. they lead to divorce according to Pastor Micah my husband needs:
#3 admiration, #2 domestic support, #1 sex There were two more but they were just another version of #1. you should know by now that domestic support is not my strongest gift. and while I do admire him, words are not his love language and actually tend to annoy him. so I do what any smart, savvy woman would do - I distract him. if I can keep his eyes on me, he doesn't seem to notice the laundry, dust, and toys... or at least he doesn't care. it took me like 8 years of marriage to figure out this strategy that just isn't possible tented under a snuggie, disguised as a monk.

So even though it may kill me to let my best friends send a Christmas card with a photo I did not create. I can not lower myself to be involved with the snuggie.