There are so many things I should be doing right now. Laundry, un-decorating, grocery shopping, and getting ahead on my lesson plans are all things that I should probably be spending my day doing. But it is my kind of day when I take a shower and get right back into pajama pants and a tank top.
It's my kind of day when the only thing on my agenda is letting the kids destroy the house because they actually put down the various electronic devices they got for Christmas and are using their imaginations. It's my kind of day because I have a great new book where the author makes me pause with her words and contemplate the beauty of her combinations. It's cold and dreary and that makes this the perfect day for little people to stop briefly in their play to snuggle with mama under a quilt. It's the perfect day to whisper usually silent prayers over them as I delight in our unbusyness . And it is the perfect day to make a double batch of double chocolate brownies...
I'll worry about cleaning, laundry, lesson plans, and healthy food tomorrow.
Big Boo Cast: Episode 380
1 year ago
I should not have read this! Will. Resist. Temptation. To. Stop. Housework.
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