Monday, June 8, 2009

New Church

Jason has accepted a new position in the media dept at a new church. We are excited about the move because of all the doors it will open for J. He will get to be part of a team that is using cutting edge technology. It is a multi-site church and that means he will be working on something he is passionate about. J. loves helping churches get set up to utilize technology to teach the Gospel. It's a fast paced environment where he can really contribute and learn.

I visited on my own and then with him. Then he started working Sunday mornings there last week. All the details of his position aren't quite worked out and he is in the figuring out where his skill set can be used the most. So I have attended twice now while he works the back and that is a big adjustment.

The kids love it- its a good fit for our family.We know that God has called our family there. The teaching is encouraging and already I feel like it is already impacting my spiritual life. The worship music is good, but shorter then I am used to.

I am struggling a bit with dealing with the kids and getting there on my own. It is much larger and a struggle to get all the kids checked in and to their rooms. I can't quite spend any time meeting people or exploring because I am busy willing the children to look and act like cherubs. I miss Jason being accessible and having people around I can hand off the baby to. I miss the kids understanding the boundaries and knowing their way around. I can't quite figure out how to jump into the life of the church. We are used to our daily life being so intertwined with church life that it feels off kilter to not. This is the biggest church we have ever attended and while we "know" a few people there, it is still a struggle to find a niche. I know that we haven't been there very long and time will make a difference.

Its kind of the opposite of our move to Oso Creek. I desired to be anonymous for awhile but quickly found myself connected in meaningful ways and within a few months serving in a major leadership role. Jason took much lomger to connect simple because he was working out of town and only got the Sunday experience. Based on the circumstances of this month - a new church, my closest friend being gone or occupied for the month, moving into a solo role at work - that God is drawing me to Him, teaching me to rely on Him to meet some of those needs I was letting others meet.