In a few days our boy, Elisha Gregory, will begin pre-k....and it won't be in the room next door to Mommy's class. We have always said that we would make educational choices for each child, knowing that God made them each very different and they would learn in different ways. This is where the rubber meets the road, and the road is very hard.
Elisha is all-boy and one of the most physically active kiddos I have ever loved. And although he is very intelligent, he is not interested in learning things he considers useless like colors and numbers. Neither of the girls had a formal preschool education but managed to learn many basics through play and a rich environment. Elisha is content to watch tv and play Wii all day.
And because Mommy is teaching full time now, we are hoping three hours in a great classroom might motivate him a bit....or at least he will learn some things through osmosis.
I know he is going to do great. I know he is going to love his teacher. I know the three hours a day he spends there are going to nurture him and help him grow. I know she is going to sing, and read, and color with him. I expected to be a little sad that it will be someone else doing those things. I am not...
I know that God has me exactly where He wants me and I know that the children in my class are there by God's plan for their lives. I know that God prepared my heart for my students and He molds me into the teacher that they need ....and I am choosing to believe that God will do the same for our boy.
Hey! Thanks for popping in and visiting my blog. I'm glad to peek at yours as well.
...love the boy thoughts.
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