Alaina and Jayden are growing up faster then we can imagine. We love the young ladies they are becoming. My brother got married last night and new dresses were to be had for the occasion. When we went shopping, I was so surprised that they both had the same dress in the to "to-try-on-pile". As they get older, it is an exercise in restraint to bite my tongue a little more often and let them decide somethings for themselves. I desperately wanted them to get the matching dresses but let then make that decision on their own. You see, I know the days of matching outfits are quickly ending....
These girls are so different and if there was ever a doubt that they were designed by a creator God, you would only need to spend a day with them to see His workmanship. It is amazing to me that you can combine the exact DNA and yet come out with two different people.
Alaina is our tenderhearted, compassionate child. Her middle name is grace and she is pure undeserved favor. She is the peace-maker in our family. She will be an amazing mother. She is an incredible help with her baby brother and sister. Alaina is so intelligent and a gifted reader and writer. Her vocabulary and insight make me smile to myself so many times. Alaina has a beautiful tenor voice and a love for music. Even though she is as tall as my shoulders and I can wear her shoes, she still never hesitates to crawl into my lap. She always has a kiss waiti

Jayden is our pressed down, shaken together, running over blessing. She is full of wit and always has something to say. She is our entreprenuer and the most organized child in our family. She has a great sense of fashion and carries herself with an incredible sense of grace and purpose. Jayden is independent and full of purpose. We have no doubt that whatever she set her mind to, she will accomplish. What a blessing she is going to be to her world...
While I love who they are individually, I pray for who they are as sisters. I pray that they will know what are a rare and precious gift a sister who is close enough to call a friend is.

They get there looks from their beautiful mother!
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