(So I realize that I ignore this for weeks and then can't keep my hands off it- blame it on the the blogging muse. I often think I have nothing to say and then once I get started, I can't shut up...)
I hate when people post about something difficult or challenging and then never go back and say how it turned out. So since I know there are tens of you on the edge of your seat about how we are adjusting... here it is.
We love it. It's a strange sensation to have a church choose you and not really be able "pick" your church home. Don't get me wrong we were entirely able to turn down the opportunity and have done that before. The truth of the matter is that if we were church shopping, this is one we probably would have browsed through and not commit to buy anything. Its large and the summer attendance over the summer has averaged 2,000. That may be small potatoes to some of you, but if you combined the average attendance of all the churches we have ever worked for- it wouldn't be 2,000.
And no one wears name tags. I often thought that the name tag wearing was a crutch at Oso Creek and that we were never forced to learn anyone's name because it was proudly displayed on their shirt. It turns out it was a huge crutch for me and it's hard to get over. I know like 15 people's names. As selfish as it may be, I feel like no one can possible know my name without my name tag.
It would be a lie to say that things have gone without a hitch, and without tears shed by me, and some very lonely moments as my husband is hidden entirely in a green room back stage. But somehow this last two weeks, God removed all of that for me and has called it home. I know that He has worked through the powerful teaching, my children's comfort, my husband's enthusiasm and most certainly my own RealLIFE t-shirt. He has worked through a life group that brought about familiar faces, more time spent in the building, and perhaps my own surrender.
In corporate worship, I need the buzz of a crowd and the intimacy of friends.....I think I got there this weekend.
It's surreal to commit to a church and not have a clear picture why... and for God to whisper in your ear: this is why I brought you here, and this....
Our first official weekend at RealLife, I drove to the beach alone with the children. Lost as to where the obscure whereabouts of the baptism location could be, I cried as I called Jason about 75 times. He wasn't answering his phone. Something about working and wind.... Frustrated and mad when I finally arrived, I trudged down the beach where over a hundred people were baptized. It was incredible! And I knew then that even if there were a gagillion people that refused to wear nametags, I wanted to be part of something this incredible for His glory.
Big Boo Cast: Episode 380
1 year ago
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