It is not quite 4 am and I can't sleep. I am missing Laina. She has spent many nights away from home with her grandparents or with family friends. But this is the first night she has spent away with her friends. And I miss her.
She is growing up way too fast. She is more then I can imagine at 8.
So mostly I have been lying in bed, listening to the ceiling fan, praying for her. Praying for her safety, of course but mostly that she would always know how much I love her, and that God loves her more. I have been praying that she would know the blessing of friendship and that she would choose her friends wisely. Praying that her life would be blessed with the kind of friendships that teach her, comfort her, care for her, nurture her, and let her be who she is.
And on the note of friendship.... my friend Lauren..... who teaches me, comforts me, cares for me, nurtures me, makes me go to Zumba, makes me laugh everyday and lets me be who I am..... has started a blog.
Big Boo Cast: Episode 380
1 year ago
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