Monday, November 30, 2009

10 GREAT things about Thanksgiving break

1. Matt Redman/Casting Crowns
Technically this happened the day before Thanksgiving break but since I had mentally checked out already, I am counting it. It poured- and that is a giant understatement! I have never been so wet and fully dressed. But we just went with it. It was incredibly fun to hang out with J (who was being uncharacteristically calm about the less the ideal circumstances), experience a concert with students who had never been to one before, and an awesome time of worship under the stars.

2. 1st Christmas Party
Yes we attended a Christmas Party before Thanksgiving. For those of you that consider that blasphemous, you can relax because they called it a Holiday Party. Regardless, it was really fun! We hung out with our RLF friends. I know why J likes these people so much- they are really fun and real!

3. Game Nights
I love to play games...Jason humors me in this. Luckily for me, our friends like to play games. So thanksgiving break was full of farkle, dominoes, Settlers of Cattan, and my new favorite game BINGOH!

4. Christmas Movies
We watched at least 5 Christmas movies this week. Some were watched on the couch with the kids and some snuggled in bed with J.

5. Date Night
We were kid-free for two Friday nights in a row. This last one was my favorite! J and I did some Christmas/Birthday shopping, had dinner at one of favorite restaurants- Nikos, did some more shopping and then had dessert with friends.

6. Family Dates
Our kids are jealous of us going out without them. Some people call time out with friends playdates- our kids call them family dates. We had two this week. Burgers and Planet 51 movie and then Pizza & Games another night.

7. Sleeping In
Okay laying in.... our kids don't sleep much past seven and they wake up hungry and loud. But it was sweet to get them food and head back to bed a few mornings and even sweeter that J. could be there for at least one of those days.

8. Papa's birthday
We celebrated Papa's birthday with turkey salad, wings, homemade chocolate pie, and everyone making sure he knew how much we love him.

9. Making Breakfast w/ J
I am confessing that I haven't cooked in weeks. Seriously. It's been a combination of take out, warming up stuff like chicken nuggets, and Jason cooking. I did however manage to make breakfast on Friday morning- pancakes, sausage and bacon with J's help and company. There is something magical about making a big breakfast at home because its something we rarely have time to do. You don't have to worry- I spent $180 bucks at the grocery store yesterday. I have to cook this week! And just to make sure that I got it out of my system- we ordered pizza last night!

10. Christmas Tree
There was a bit of drama deciding if we were going real or pre-lit. It involved a family vote, a poll via text of our friends, and finally buying one and having to return it after assembly. Anyone who has purchased an item requiring assembly knows that they don't go back in the box the way they came out. Besides that our kids had been playing zombie with the box for 45 minutes. Target was just lucky there still was a box. The end result is the most beautiful tree I have ever loved...and I am rather proud that I let the kids put on nearly all the ornaments and only rearranged a handful. They are proud of the very eclectic trees they decorated for their own rooms.


Jason said...

BINGOH! is the crappiest game ever invented...other than throwing rocks at each other I can think of very few games that are less painful. Poorly written rules, dice the size of small apples, and playing with some of the most competitive people in the world makes this game a no go for me. LOVE YOU BABE!

Danielle said...

Hahahaha!! And THAT ladies and gentlemen was a MANTRUM!

Tom and I actually discussed Bing-Oh! after you left and decided that there must be something we're missing. So, I went online looking for reviews or maybe a message board explaining the game and I clicked on a site and GOT A VIRUS! Can you believe that?

So... I have to say I'm sorta with Jason on this one... minus the histrionics. Love you too!!