Friday, May 14, 2010

I have held out as long as I can...

I have spent the whole year complaining. Maybe longer. Probably Longer...

Every Wednesday I have to wear a skirt to work. It's chapel day. To say the church I work for is more traditional then the one my husband works for and we worship at, would be way beyond stating the obvious. These churches don't even exist in the same conversation.

I have spent so much time complaining about having to follow this unjust silly rule to my closest friends, that it has a reputation all of it's own. If it is cold or windy on a Wednesday- I get a text.  It has a name, a song, and several months ago I walked into a friends house after work wearing a dress and the very first thing they said to me was " Why are you wearing that?!? It isn't SHD -day?"

So it's time to set the record straight. I like dresses! I like skirts! I don't like being told that I need one to look like a girl. God created me- He knows I am girl. Even in jeans and a t-shirt, I am undeniably a girl! And if it is about modesty, what primary school teacher who sits on the floor and in chairs intended for six years old all day looks modest in a skirt? Maybe Michelle Dugar but not me...

All this to say that I have worn very few dresses the last two years in protest. But then I fell in love with this skirt. And it is hot...the weather not the skirt!  I have long legs and it is hard to find shorts that don't make me look like a street walker. (The term my grandmother coined in reference to most of the shorts of my youth.)  It's either that or shorts my grandmother would wear herself...and I am just going there yet either. 

And everywhere I look there are these adorable dresses...
My boycott is officially over. It might just be the summer of the skirt!


Jason said...

I like skirts on you...

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