Tuesday, January 5, 2010

A ZUMBA Lifegroup?

About six months ago Lauren dragged me to Zumba. And I fell in love! Zumba is a high energy workout that includes, dance, sculpting, toning, and cardio into one amazing hour.

You should know that I do not consider myself coordinated, a good dancer or in possession of any rythym. I can trip standing still…and I have. And then there was the issue of it being very sexy. I wasn’t sure as a Christian wife, mother, and teacher that sexy was an adjective I should associate with.

So why am I still at it six months later? I love the time with my girlfriends. I love the chance to emerge from my Christian bubble and interact with people who have entirely different values. I love that for an hour I think about nothing but making my body move in the way I am willing it- no bills, housework, worries, or pressure. I love being in a room full of women of all shapes and sizes and seeing beauty in their movement. Occasionally I still catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror and can’t help but notice I look more like Sponge Bob Square Pants then our beautiful, energetic instructor... but what can you do? The "sexy" thing turned out to be less of a concern that I thought! There is nothing like catching your girlfriend’s eye in the mirror and laughing in a way that can only say “You look as silly as I feel!” For a person who takes everything very seriously, this laughter has power in my life.

Zumba promises physical results as well. I have a ton of energy, my blood sugar is in the healthy range, and the arthritis I had in my hip is nearly unfelt. I actually feel good about something I am doing for my body, my temple. The two sizes I have lost from Zumba alone is incredibly motivating!

I have loved getting to know some of the women in our class. While staking out our spots, I catch up on someone’s week, another person’s class, and how one girl’s grandmother is doing after a stroke. I have so often wanted to connect in more meaningful ways but after painstakingly burning 900 calories no one seems in the mood to go out for dessert. And so the idea of a life group was born…

So in two weeks you can come and shake your tail feathers to infectious music, avoid your reflection in the mirror if you like, and have a great time doing something awesome for your health. After we will meet in the next room for a post-workout snack, the chance to meet and connect with other women, and some encouraging time in the Word and prayer.


Mommy of 2 and 2 said...

Sounds awesome!! I wish I could join your group!!!

Danielle said...

You have my permission to keep bugging me about it. I have absolutely no desire but I WANT to have the desire. Understand?

This was very motivating.

Susie said...

You rock Amanda! Thank you for inviting me(several times), and getting me to finally get off my rear. Even though I've only been to 3 classes and I am absolutely at the heaviest weight I've ever been IN MY LIFE, I am motivated, excited, and ready for the results that I know will come. Great post too-love the writing! I'm so proud of you!